The best brake for stopping power and control.
A bent high strength aluminum bar spans between the runners with steel claws that clamp to the bar inside each runner. This brake provides stability and stopping power. Each claw has a replaceable threaded carbide tip for improved stopping power on ice and frozen ground plus a welded plate for increased resistance in the snow. Mounts to the top of the runners with aluminum angles and the bar hinges on bolts with nylon bushings and spacers. The bar comes with a bungee and tie rope. This brake can be added to most sleds, basket style or toboggan style. If you have questions just call or email us and we will help you figure it out. If your sled already has aluminum angles that the brake could be mounted to order the brake system without the mounting angles and save $15.00. Please specify how wide we need to make the aluminum bar for your sled. We typically mount the aluminum angles so the vertical leg is flush with the inside edge of each runner so when you step on the bar it can swing down through the runners without contacting the top of each runner. Also specify the width of your runner most sleds are either 1.25" or 1.5".