Helps prevent back strain by sitting low on your hips. We haven't had any low back pain with this Adanac design!. Comes with lightweight padded, contoured belt, panic snap, bungee, tugline and snap, key pocket, and bear spray or water bottle holder. Complete the package with a multi-sport harness made for dogs that love to skijor. Add leg straps for $2. New skijoring belt available in red, blue or black and size small human weights 80-140 pounds) and medium/large (human weights 140-200 pounds). Easily adjustable, extremely comfortable and can be worn as a walking belt in the summer for hands-free walking. Choose a color and add one of our colorful lines to match with the skijoring belt complete (for 1 or 2 dogs). We have red, blue, black, pink, purple/black, red/black, blue/black, yellow or lime/black combinations including bungees, tugline and brass snap and panic snap.